The Drive Home

Good afternoon parents! I’m very excited for the return of Sunday Nights. We’re going to play games, eat pizza, and build relationships. Even more, I’m excited to spend time digging into the Word of God together! Sunday Nights are going to be more of a deep dive than Sunday School, and some of the ideas are going to be challenging. I want to empower you, as parents, to continue conversations and the work of discipleship after a Sunday Night gathering is over, even on the drive home. With that in mind, every week I want to share the passage that we’re discussing and a few conversation questions to engage with your kids. I encourage you to strike while the iron is hot! Engage with your kids on the drive home!

Tonight we’re going to talk through John 1:1-18 and the pre-existence of Christ.

My goal is for the students to go home knowing that:
1) Jesus was there in the beginning.
2) All creation was made through Jesus.
3) Jesus always was, is, and forever will be our Christ (or Savior).

Here are three questions that you can ask your students about our lesson tonight. Each question can be answered in any number of ways, but below each I’ve provided some ideas to target.
1) If all of creation was made through Jesus, what does that mean for you?
Think: if Jesus made everything, that means he made me too. He knows me. Even more, being born and living as a human He knows what life is like and anything that I’m going through.
2) How can Jesus’ pre-existence be an anchoring truth for you in salvation?
Think: Jesus was alive and working before time began. He has always been, is now, and will always be our Savior. We were created through Him, and we are kept in Him. If everything was made through Christ, what can threaten our salvation? Absolutely nothing.
3) How does knowing God as our pre-existent Christ shape your understanding of His grace?
Think: God’s undeserved love for sinners was never Plan B. Even before the fall, He knew how and when He would come to save us.

Feedback is always encouraged. Let me know if this is useful and how we can better work together to communicate the love of Christ to the students of Redemption Church!


Lake Forest Ranch Summer Camp Update


Sunday Nights