Lake Forest Ranch Summer Camp Update

Good evening and happy weekend parents! Summer camp is quickly coming up, and there are a couple of things you can do to make sure your student is ready for camp.

  1. Complete Payment

As a reminder, all payments for camp registration are made to Redemption Church. Please take a moment this weekend to see if you have an outstanding balance. Payments are due 6/14; if meeting that deadline will be difficult, please please let me know. We don’t want to funds to stand in the way of any student attending camp!

Click here to pay through Redemption Church

2. Request Bunk Mates

At Lake Forest Ranch, your student will have the opportunity to meet and build friendships with students from other churches. To help campers meet each other, LFR intentionally assigns different churches within the same cabin. Camp staff has told me that our girls can bunk together, but it is unlikely that all of our boys will be in the same cabin.

Please take a moment this weekend to complete roommate requests for your student. LFR doesn’t guarantee to honor every request, but they take requests into account when they are assigning cabins.

To complete a Cabin Mate request:

  1. Access the LFR Registration page. Click Login at the top right.

  2. Select Optional Items

  3. Select Cabin Mates

  4. Each camper can request up to three Cabin Mates.

3. Review Camp Store Policy

Lake Forest Ranch is completely cashless, and will not accept cash from campers. The Camp Store is completely optional and has what you would expect (snacks, t-shirts, hats, etc). If you would like your student to have access to the Camp Store, please add a payment for them.

To add a Camp Store payment:

  1. Access the LFR Registration page. Click Login at the top right.

  2. Click the blue Make A Payment button at the top. 

  3. Make sure your camper's name is listed below and click the green Process Selected Campers button.

  4. Select the store tab and enter the amount you want to add. Click save next at the bottom.

  5. Complete payment information, confirm, and submit.

Note from LFR:
You will get an email after camp if your camper has any unused money left in the store. You will have the option to donate it to LFR or for it to be returned to the card used.

I’m so excited for camp and can’t wait for your students to have this experience. More information will be coming. If you have any questions in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to grab me after church on Sunday or shoot me an email.


Summer Camp Details


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