What style?

The music at Redemption Church will be saturated in sound biblical doctrine. Sonically the music will be simple and scaled back in order to provide space for His church to be heard.

The teaching will be book by book, verse by verse, interjected with topical series centered around the major Christiological calendar events and doctrines.

What about our kids?

What denomination?

Let them come! We desire to see all peoples of all generations, ethnicities, socio economic backgrounds… come to Jesus. Children certainly have a special place in the scriptures (Matthew 19:14, Matthew 18:6) and they have a special place at Redemption Church. We believe the parents/guardians have the primary discipleship responsibility but we as His church are called to support, train and equip all of its members in an age, education-level appropriate way. We are working hard to create a special place for discipleship for our children.

We are a Southern Baptist gathering, but possibly more helpful and certainly more eternal is that we are a gathering of people who believe the Bible is breathed out by God and while written/translated by men, God has sovereignly preserved it’s truths. We believe it is without error and complete in its scope of what man can know about God, how we are reconciled and restored to Him, and how we ought to respond to these truths. And so ultimately we belong to the ancient gathering of those who believe God and His written word.

Why plant another church?

Acts 1:8 calls His church everywhere; from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth. We believe that the global church has a local responsibility to every city, neighborhood and home; to be a local gathering of people who are showing and proclaiming the eternal truth of God’s redemptive plan for all mankind. While some are called overseas and others across the street we specifically believe that we have been called to plant a local gathering in the Gluckstadt area. It is our calling; but we also desire to resource, partner, train and send all who have been called to other contexts.