Local Missions

We believe we have been sovereignly planted in central MS by the providence of our God.

Therefore, in light of His mercies, we then become conduits of His love and grace to all those around us. Locally we partner with MadCAAP and the Lord’s Supper Homeless Ministry to minister to the needs of local Mississippians.

Global Missions

We have been called to the ends of the earth to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to those who are unreached.

This leads us to partnering with those serving in difficult and often dangerous locations. It is our desire to love our partners well and deeply as they serve in the uttermost areas of missions.

We do that through the following routines:

  • Monthly Communication and time of Encouragement with our Partners

  • Resourcing the Personal and Ministry Needs of our Partners

  • Sending Individuals and Small Teams to Encourage and Serve our Partners