Sunday Nights

Get excited parents. Sunday Nights are back!

We’re going to meet on March 3rd (that’s this Sunday!) and March 17th from 5-7pm for a time of games, fellowship, and Bible study. In April we’ll start meeting regularly every Sunday night; more news on that soon!

This Sunday evening we’re going to dive into the identity of Jesus. Our families talk about Him a lot. Our kids know a lot about Him. We’re going to spend some time putting these pieces together into a more unified picture of our Savior. Please join me in praying for the hearts, ears, and attentiveness of our students!

Don’t worry about feeding students before they come. We’ll have Domino’s Pizza shortly after everyone arrives. If your child has any dietary concerns please give me a shout and we’ll make sure to accommodate.

I’m excited about what Sunday Nights are going to mean to our students. I’m excited about the relationships that will be built and strengthened with each other and with the adults serving. I’m excited to open the Bible with these kids, and I’m excited to discuss the wondrous truths that the Church has been pondering for thousands of years. Please get excited with me!


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