Summer Camp Details

Good evening, parents! Camp is almost here! Here are a few more details:

  • Have your student bring their luggage with them to church on Sunday. They are welcome to stash things in my office if needed.

  • After service, we will have a taco lunch and hit the road after. If you won't be able to attend Sunday morning's church service, please be at church by noon.

  • We'll be back to Redemption around 11:30-12:00 on Friday. I'll send a text with a definitive time when we get on the road Friday morning. Please let me know if you need help picking up your student, and we'll work it out.

  • Please feel free to send snacks with your camper. I'll have light snacks for the drive if needed, but Redemption isn't providing snacks in the cabins.

  • If you'd like to load money on your student's LFR account to be used in the gift shop, please do so.

  • Ask your students to sleep now because it will be a big week!

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.


Lake Forest Ranch Summer Camp Update