Wednesday Nights

Good afternoon Redemption family! This semester, the Kids & Student ministries will be going through The New City Catechism. Each week, we will seek to engage with a question at an age appropriate level.

You may be asking, “Catechisms sound dusty and unexciting. Why are we spending time on this?” I’m so glad that you asked. God is full of wonder and mystery. We know that there are truths about His nature, His created order, and the fallen world that are difficult even for adults to wrap our heads around. The questions we review from the New City Catechism will help to build a foundation to think about these larger concepts. Think of these bite-sized lessons as building blocks for future conversations.

Keep an eye out for each week’s question in the weekly Redemption newsletter sent on Wednesdays! Not receiving the newsletter? You can sign up here!




Winter Retreat