Wednesday Night Rhythms

Our Sunday School conversations have been very productive with our students in the last few months. They are engaged, interested, and seem to enjoy the time. I've been very encouraged by how well they get along and support each other. To that end, we will be making some changes to our Wednesday night student gatherings.

Kids have been in school and paying attention all day. Instead of trying to stifle their energy, we will redirect it into community building! Starting tomorrow night, we will begin a new routine. Students will head upstairs at 6:15 like normal. We'll then spend half our time together working on a single core biblical concept. The goal is to present the students with a crucial and digestible aspect of our faith with which they can easily engage.

After our lesson, we're going to spend time building community through games. Tomorrow night will be our first Redemption Students Mario Kart tournament! While I hope the students are excited about Mario Kart, I hope they retain our core teaching even more.

On the way home, please ask your students what they learned!


Winter Retreat